Inspire Life-Long Arts Education in our Community
Through Your Gift to the Community School of the Arts

The NIU Community School of the Arts welcomes donations to support our programs, teachers, and students. We are committed to providing excellent arts programming, at a reasonable cost, to all members of our community and your generous support makes a huge impact on our ability to accomplish that goal.

Thank you!

Step 1 - Customize Your Gift

Select amount and designation below...
Make it a monthly gift...

Choose whether you want your gift to be a one-time contribution,
a recurring contribution over a set number of months, or an ongoing contribution...
I authorize my credit card to be charged by NIU Alumni Association today as a one-time gift.
You may be able to double the impact of your gift. Sometimes - even more...

Many companies have programs to match charitable donations made by employees. Search below below to see if your employer offers the option to match your contribution.
Your Employer:
Personalize your gift using our customization options...

You can recognize a particular person or business, choose to remain anonymous, or provide us with some special instructions. Select the options below to personalize your gift as you see fit.

   My gift is an anonymous gift.

   My gift is a corporate gift.

Corporation Name:

   Special instructions for my gift:

   Recognize someone special:

Choose recognition type: